Myles Russell Yap Taguiam
Christian Louis Tan Choachuy
Phone Maw Htoon
The website, FishTastic, is meant to showcase the products and services of FishTastic. This includes the fishes, fish food and treats, landscaping services, veterinary services and lastly, the newly opened pet shop where people can not only buy pet fishes, but also cats, dogs and their foods and treats. The site is mainly meant to allow FishTastic to gain a larger customer base and showcase the current events that are happening in the company. The site is also meant to advertise the newly opened pet shop. Our mission is to introduce aspiring pet owners to all sorts of lovable pets and provide homes for those pets around Singapore.
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your group should spend some time reflecting on the process and describe here the Pluses, Minuses and Interesting aspects of your teamwork process and result
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Minuses: ...
Interesting: (including significant lessons) ...